One year ago, on June 24, 2022, the Supreme Court handed down its decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. The monumental decision was something the pro-life movement had been working for, praying for, and hoping for since the moment Roe v. Wade was decided on January 22, 1973. We praise God for the opportunity to see this in our lifetimes!
This decision that brings us great joy has resulted in much upheaval in our society in the past year, including threats and attacks on pregnancy centers and pro-life Christians. As we continue in the work before us in a hostile environment, I want to remind pro-life Christians to continue to respond to the opposition in a peaceful, Christ-like manner. Now is the time to let Christ shine through us more than ever! This is our opportunity to continue communicating to our world and here in Lakeland our love for women, men, and their babies and our desire to serve them.
Even one-year post-Roe, our ultimate message remains the same–A Woman’s Choice remains here to serve. We have seen abortion become completely illegal in many states, while other states have kept abortion legal, even up to full term. Here in Florida, the 15-week abortion ban is in effect, limiting abortions in our state, but it is also being challenged in the courts. In the meantime, a 6-week abortion ban has also been signed into law by our Governor, but will not go into effect until the 15-week ban challenge is resolved. No matter what happens with laws and in the courts, A Woman’s Choice will keep our doors open and will continue to fight for life. Our fight has taken on a new angle, but it is not over. As we compassionately and skillfully care for women and men facing unplanned pregnancies, we need your support as much now as we have in the past.
Women will still need pregnancy tests and ultrasounds that we will be ready to provide them. Couples will still be shocked, scared, and stressed, and they will find compassion and help from our Advocates. Men will still need encouragement as they step into the role of fatherhood, and our Men’s Coach will still equip them. Families will still need education on being first-time parents and material items to help offset financial stressors, and they will still be welcomed with open arms. And most of all–women and men in Lakeland, Florida, need the Gospel of Jesus Christ and His transformational work in their lives. This is the message we will continue to proclaim.