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“Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it.” Matthew 13:45-46

Can you imagine selling everything that you have to buy one pearl? or one of anything? In our materialistic, technology advancing, acquisition culture, it is hard to imagine anyone doing that. I mean, what could be worth the sacrifice of everything we own? Good question.

In this Scripture, it is the Kingdom of Heaven that is compared to this pearl of great value. This short parable that Jesus shared is included among several others in the same chapter to help us understand God’s Kingdom—what it is like and what it is worth, and the message is clear that the Kingdom of Heaven is worth everything.

Think about it. When Jesus gave His life for us, He gave everything He could give, and as a result, we are welcomed into His Kingdom. The price for entry is high, and Jesus freely gave it; in turn, we give all we have and all we are back to Him. That is the Kingdom of God—truly a pearl of great price.

This is the message of the gospel that we share with the women and men we serve at A Woman’s Choice. We want them to know because Jesus gave His everything for them, that they have great value. We want them to know that when they give their everything for Him, they receive something of great value—they are welcomed into God’s family and His Kingdom. And we want them to know that the baby they are carrying—whether planned, expected, or wanted—has incredible value in God’s eyes. Their baby is also a pearl of great price.

This month, we celebrate this truth with Sanctity of Human Life Sunday (SOHLS). Make sure you note all the ways shared in this newsletter that you can honor and celebrate this special day. As we move further into the new year of 2022, we are eagerly anticipating the great things that God will do in and through our ministry, including the launch of our Mobile Medical Unit, Pearl! Pearl will be an instrument to share this incredible message with more women and men throughout our community so that more lives and more souls will be saved. Praise God! Thank you, as always, for your faithful partnership with us to proclaim and protect the pearls of great price! God bless you!