Laser focus—when there is concentrated, intentional, narrow focus on a single area. The image of a laser contrasts with that of a flashlight, which produces a wide, encompassing spread of light that covers a broad area. Having laser focus on a task or goal helps achieve success. So what does this have to do with saving lives and saving souls? At A Woman’s Choice, it is everything.
Our laser focus as a ministry IS saving lives and saving souls. It is what we exist for. It is what God commissioned our ministry to do when He began this good work over 30 years ago, and it is what we continue to do today. Saving lives and saving souls is our core mission. It drives everything we do in this ministry and every decision we make. It is the heart of our prayers and the goal of our work every day, and we give praise and glory to God that by His Spirit, we see that taking place at A Woman’s Choice.
Last year, in 2020—the year of all years—there were 168 babies saved from abortion and 38 lives were given to Christ at A Woman’s Choice, praise the Lord! We thank God for clients like Maria, who accepted Christ during her time with one of our advocates. We love that after praying, she said, “I feel as light as a feather!” God surely moved in her heart. We rejoice in the Lord’s work through our ministry and look forward to seeing more lives saved and impacted through this year and the years to come.
As we move forward as a ministry, we continue to seek the Lord in how we can keep our laser focus of saving more lives and more souls. With almost 1,900 abortions in Polk County last year, we know there are lives yet to be saved and always souls to be brought into the Kingdom. We are so excited about how the Lord has answered those prayers and directed our ministry. Speaking of direction, a Mobile Medical Unit is coming to A Woman’s Choice! It is a BIG change that we believe will accomplish great results in our mission.
We know we cannot achieve our mission without YOU as partners in our work. I am always amazed at how God uses so many different parts to make up one body to do His work, and YOU are a part of the “body” at A Woman’s Choice. This means that YOU are saving lives and saving souls. Your support of our mission helps us keep that laser focus and have a life-giving, eternal impact on our community. THANK YOU for standing with us for life! God bless you!